About Us
FCIC Staff

Denise R. Barnes, MS
Employment Coordinator
Denise R. Barnes, MS
Employment Coordinator
Denise Barnes works in the College of Behavioral Community Sciences, Center for Autism and Related Disabilities at USF. As a consultant for CARD, she travels throughout 6 of CARD-USF’s 14 county area providing direct and technical assistance to families, agencies and educational facilities relating to Autism. Denise holds a Master’s Degree in Rehabilitation and Community Inclusion from Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, and an undergraduate degree in Behavioral Sciences from Northern Michigan University. Click here for more on Denise Barnes.

Beth Boone, PhD
Associate Director
Beth Boone, PhD
Executive Director, CARD-USF & TLA
Beth Boone is a professional dedicated to working with individuals with autism and related disabilities and their families. She is the Executive Director for the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities at USF and The Learning Academy. Beth received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Florida in 2001, completing a dissertation on the training and support needs of medical foster families. Click here for more on Beth Boone.

Maura DeJesus
Administrative Specialist
Maura DeJesus
Administrative Specialist
Maura joined FCIC in July of 2014. Before coming to FCIC she worked in the Division of Human Resources here at the University of South Florida. Maura is part of the Admin group that supports all the projects and grants under FCIC. In her role as Administrative Specialist, Maura assists with recruitment and payroll among other duties.

Heather Peshak George, PhD
FCIC Director
Heather Peshak George, PhD
FCIC Director
Heather Peshak George is a Research Professor in the Department of Child & Family Studies at the University of South Florida within the Florida Center for Inclusive Communities (FCIC), a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD). Her areas of interest include positive behavior support, school-wide discipline, systems-level change, implementation and function-based behavior support planning, and international applications of PBIS. Heather is the director of the Florida Center for Inclusive Communities and a Primary Investigator or Co-Primary Investigator on a number of Positive Behavior Support Projects. Click here for more on Heather Peshak George.

Samuel Hendry II
Computer Support Specialist
Samuel Hendry II
Computer Support Specialist
Sam provides computer and other technical related support to all FCIC programs. He has worked as an enterprise IT professional for the past 19 years. Sam wanted to use his skills to provide support to those in need and joined us to help support FCIC’s purpose and passion of promoting the independence, productivity, and community inclusion of individuals with developmental disabilities.

Dayanara Hudson
Publications Designer
Dayanara Hudson
Publications Designer
Dayanara Hudson supports the marketing and dissemination efforts of the National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations through the Center’s publications, website, and social media outlet information distribution. She completed her BA in Communications in New York in 2000, and MA in Publications Design in Maryland in 2006, and earned her TEFL Certificate from the University of Central Florida in 2015 and continues to tutor international English learners online. She has worked and volunteered for non-profit organizations on and off over the past 20 years and spent six years as a park photographer with Disney Parks Florida.

Lorna Henley
Manager Fiscal & Business Admin
Lorna Henley
Fiscal & Business Analyst
Lorna Henley is the Fiscal and Business Analyst for the Florida Center for Inclusive Communities (FCIC) at the University of South Florida. She brings her fiscal expertise of thirty years of experience to FCIC. Her work at FCIC involves fiscal oversight of multi-year, complex extramural awards from Federal, state, and local agencies. She also provides financial support for research initiatives, USF Foundation, and auxiliary accounts. Lorna reviews sponsored projects and internal account expenditures for compliance with federal cost accounting standards and USF regulations and practices. She provides detailed review and analysis of expenditures and payroll activities to accountable officers and principal investigators. She manages day-to-day expense transactions involving personnel, travel, purchasing, and other expense activities.

Don Kincaid, EdD
FCIC Co-Director
Don Kincaid, EdD
FCIC Co-Director
Don Kincaid is a professor in the Department of Child & Family Studies at the University of South Florida and co-directs The Florida Center for Inclusive Communities, a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. His professional interests include the areas of person-centered planning, positive behavior support, disabilities, and school and systems change. He is a Primary Investigator or Co-Primary Investigator on a number of Positive Behavior Support Projects. Click here for more on Don Kincaid.

Laura Rodríguez López, EdD
Training Director
Laura Rodriguez Lopez, Ed.D.
Training Director
Laura Rodríguez López is the Training Director for the Florida Center for Inclusive Communities, the University of South Florida’s Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. She has a B.A. in Psychology & Political Sciences from the University of Puerto Rico, an MA.Ed. in Educational Leadership & Administration from Argosy University, and an Ed.D. in Program Development & Educational Innovation from the University of South Florida. Laura’s work at FCIC involves leadership of the interdisciplinary training program, which includes the Graduate Certificate in Positive Behavior Support. Laura is a family member of persons with disabilities. Click here for more on Laura Rodriguez Lopez.

Bob Lutz, MEd
IT Director
Bob Lutz, MEd
IT Director
Bob Lutz is the Director of Instructional Technologies for The Florida Center for Inclusive Communities (FCIC). He is responsible for and oversees all aspects of web development, multimedia, desktop publishing, and computer support for over 100 faculty and division staff. Bob comes to FMHI from the USF Division of Student Affairs where he was the assistant to the Associate Vice-President for Enrollment, Planning and Management. During his tenure at Student Affairs, he was tasked with the creation and development of the university's Faculty Lecture Program, which provided lectures from over 60 tenured faculty members to any high school in the five-county area surrounding USF. Bob's duties also included Webmaster for the FLP, as well as the National Student Exchange, and University-Wide Councils and Committees. Bob received his Master's degree in instructional technology from USF after having received his bachelor's degree in Psychology. He has worked as an instructional design consultant for Nielsen Media Research, and the Pinellas County School System. Click here for more on Bob Lutz.

Kimberly Read, PhD, MBA
Assistant Chair of Operations
Kimberly Read, PhD, MBA
Assistant Chair of Operations, CFS
Kimberly Read is Assistant Chair of Operations for the Department of Child & Family Studies, the organizational home for FCIC. She has worked at USF for almost twenty-five years, garnering extensive experience in business, research administration, and human resources. She received her PhD from USF in higher education administration and holds an MBA from the University of Maryland. She is a member of the Child & Family Studies Leadership team and supervises the administrative team. She oversees CFS’s financial portfolio and directs the department’s human resources. She also coordinates communication and marketing for the department.

Janet Reyes
Contracts and Grants Manager
Janet Reyes
Contracts and Grants Manager
Janet is the Contracts and Grants Manager for the Department of Child and Family Studies. Her main responsibilities are to lead the pre-award team on grant proposals and submissions as well as post-award contract renegotiations, modifications and extensions. She is also responsible for post-award reconciliation of complex awards as well as pay distribution for the department.

Daniel Souders, MBA
Statistical Data Analyst
Daniel Souders, MBA
Statistical Data Analyst
Daniel Souders is the Data Management Analyst for The Florida Center for Inclusive Communities, the University of South Florida Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. Click here for more on Daniel Souders.

Dana Stanley
Fiscal & Business Specialist
Dana Stanley
Fiscal & Business Specialist
Dana is a Fiscal & Business Specialist within the Department of Child & Family Studies (CFS) at USF. She is responsible for assisting Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling Programs, Florida Center for Inclusive Communities, and the USF Rightpath Research and Innovation Center with all purchasing and travel transactions needed. She also manages the Faculty work assignments reporting for all divisions within CFS and assists with other projects as needed.

Selecia Watson
Administrative Specialist
Selecia Watson
Administrative Specialist
Selecia serves as an Administrative Specialist for Child & Family Studies, with her work concentrated in FCIC. She has worked for the department for more than 30 years. She is a transactional professional who handles travel arrangements and reimbursements, purchase orders and corporate card purchases, vendor setup and maintenance, and contracts. She also assists with data entry for projects as the need arises.
FCIC Program Leaders
FCIC Program Leaders

Lise Fox, PhD
Professor, CFS Chair
Child & Family Studies
Lise Fox, PhD
Professor, CFS Chair
Dr. Fox is Professor and Chair of the Department of Child and Family Studies (CFS), and the Co-Director of the Florida Center for Inclusive Communities, the University of South Florida Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. She also serves as the Co-Division Director of The Florida Center for Inclusive Communities (FCIC). She has a Ph. D. in early childhood special education from Florida State University (1989) and was a faculty member in the Department of Special Education of the University of Florida prior to her appointment at the University of South Florida. She was the principal investigator of the OSEP-funded Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children and a faculty member with the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning. She is currently engaged in research and technical assistance projects related to the implementation of evidence-based practices with in early care, education, and early intervention systems; state and program implementation technical assistance; and the implementation of the Pyramid Model (program-wide positive behavior support).
Dr. Fox is a nationally-recognized leader in interventions related to young children and challenging behavior and the author of many articles, chapters, and books related to improving practices and programs for young children.

Mindy Stevens, MS
Program Director,
Mindy Stevens
Program Director, CARD-USF
Mindy Stevens has been with the Department of Child & Family Studies for 10 years. She obtained her MS degree in Vary Exceptionalities from Nova Southeastern University. As Assistant Director for the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities at USF, she provides training, technical assistance, and direct assistance for families, school personnel and various agencies. She is training coordinator, oversees the “Autism Friendly” business initiative, and assists on special projects. She has presented at local, State and National conferences. Click here for more on Mindy Stevens.

Christine Hugh, MS
Program Director,
Christine Hugh
LAUNCH at USF Program Director
Christine works as a Job Coach for The Learning Academy. She assists adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder in finding and maintaining employment based on their career interests. Christine received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from Manhattanville College in Purchase, NY. Click here for more on Christine Hugh.

Anna Winneker, PhD
Anna Winneker, PhD
Director, PWPBS
Anna Winneker has a professional and educational background working with students with emotional/behavior disorders in settings ranging from residential treatment to inclusion. She is the director for the Program-Wide Positive Behavior Support. She recently completed her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Exceptional Student Education and qualitative research. Anna has worked with Hillsborough and Pinellas County schools and was with FDLRS training on parent services and technology for people with disabilities prior to returning to school full-time for her degree. Click here for more on Anna Winneker.

Rose Iovannone, PhD
Rose Iovannone, PhD
Director, ICEI
Rose Iovannone is a Research Assistant Professor in the College of Behavioral & Community Sciences, Department of Child and Family Studies, Florida Center for Inclusive Communities (FCIC) at the University of South Florida in Tampa. She is also the director for the Interdisciplinary Center for Evaluation and Intervention. She received her PhD in Educational Psychology from the University of Houston. Her Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees are in Special Education. Click here for more on Rose Iovannone.

Brenda Brinson
Program Director,
Brenda Brinson
Program Director, HHPIP
Brenda is the Director for Hillsborough HIPPY Parent Involvement Project (HHPIP), a county-wide home visiting model for caregivers of young children designed to increase school readiness and utilizes parent involvement in their children’s education. Click here for more on Brenda Brinson.

Tracey Payne Jordan, PhD
Director, FLHIPPY
Tracey Payne Jordan, PhD
Director, Florida HIPPY
Tracy Payne is an Assistant Research Professor in the Department of Child and Family Studies and the Principal Investigator for the Florida Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters Training and Technical Assistance Center and Hillsborough HIPPY Parent Involvement Project. She has a Ph.D. in Teaching and Learning from the Peabody College of Education at Vanderbilt University (2011) with training in Education Research and a focus on Early Childhood Education. Click here for more on Tracey Payne Jordan.

Lourdes Quiñones
Program Coordinator, PEPSA
Lourdes Quiñones
Program Coordinator, PEPSA
Lourdes Quiñones is a Pediatric Physical Therapist with 20 years of clinical experience working with children and adults with an array of physical, developmental, and neurologic disorders in the school, home, and clinical settings. She holds a master's degree in Special Education, with emphasis on ASD & InD, from the University of South Florida (USF). She served as a Kg-1st Special Education teacher in Hillsborough County Public Schools system. Currently, Lourdes is the program coordinator for the Partnership for Effective Programs for Students with Autism (PEPSA) program, as well as an Early Childhood consultant at the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD) at USF, and a third-year Doctoral student at USF’s College of Education- majoring in Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration on Special Education. Her areas of research interest are arts & disabilities, Eco-arts, and arts-integration.
FCIC Affiliated Faculty
FCIC Affiliate Faculty

Russell Kirby, PhD
USF Distinguished Professor, COPH
Russell Kirby, PhD
USF Distinguished Professor, COPH
Russel Kirby is a doctorally-trained human geographer with extensive training and experience in public health practice, academic medicine, and academic public health. Russel serves as a principal investigator on several contracts through the Florida Department of Public Health for birth defects surveillance and prevention, and collaborates in national and international networks on birth defects and developmental disabilities epidemiology, perinatal outcomes of women receiving assisted reproductive technology, and international migration and pregnancy outcomes. Click here for more on Russell Kirby.

Christina Dillahunt-Aspillaga, PhD
Professor, CFS
Christina Dillahunt-Aspillaga, PhD
Associate Professor, CFS
Christina Dillahunt-Aspillaga, faculty in the Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling Program in the Department of Child and Family Studies, focuses on the rehabilitation and community reintegration of civilians, service members, and veterans with TBI. Click here for more on Christina Dillahunt-Aspillaga.

Sara Green, PhD
Department Chair & Professor, Sociology
Sara Green, PhD
Department Chair & Professor, Sociology
Sara E. Green is Chair and Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of South Florida. She is past Director of the Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Program, and has interdisciplinary research and teaching interests that center on the global experience of health, illness and disability across the life course including: identity, community participation, humor and the arts, stigma, health beliefs, organizational membership and satisfaction, and care giving and receiving. Click here for more on Sara Green.

Matthew E. Foster, PHD
Associate Professor, CFS
Matthew E. Foster, PHD
Associate Professor, CFS
Dr. Foster is an Associate Professor at the University of South Florida in the Department of Child and Family Studies. He joined USF as part of the Rightpath Research and Innovation Center. Prior to completing a doctoral degree in developmental psychology at Georgia State University, Dr. Foster completed a master’s degree in Special Education at Auburn University. He worked with children with emotional and behavioral disorders, mild intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, and autism spectrum disorders for over 10 years. His experience working with school systems and conducting research in educational settings is extensive. Click here for more on Matthew E. Foster.

Tammy Jorgensen-Smith, PhD
Associate Professor, CFS
Tammy Jorgensen-Smith, PhD, CRC
Associate Professor
Department of Rehabilitation & Mental Health Counseling
Tammy Jorgensen-Smith is an Associate Professor in the Rehabilitation & Mental Health Counseling Program (RMHC) in the Department of Child and Family Studies and a formal affiliate of the Florida Center for Inclusive Communities, a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. Tammy has dedicated her career to improving programs and systems that affect the lives of persons with disabilities. Her research focuses on the development, testing and implementation of innovative, customized employment service models to promote full inclusion and self-determination for people with complex disabilities. Click here for more on Tammy Jorgensen-Smith.

Kwang-Sun Blair, PhD
Professor, CFS
Kwang-Sun Blair, PhD, BCBA
Professor, CFS
Kwang-Sun Cho Blair is a Professor in the Applied Behavior Analysis Program and the Positive Behavior Support Graduate Certificate Program of the Department of Child and Family Studies at the University of South Florida and a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. Kwang-Sun received her Ph.D. in special education and minor in psychology from the University of Arizona in 1996. She was a post-doctoral research associate at the University of Arizona in 1997 and faculty of special education at Konju National University, South Korea from 1998-2006. Click here for more on Kwang-Sun Cho Blair.

Catia Cividini-Motta, PhD
Associate Professor, CFS
Catia Cividini-Motta, PhD
Associate Professor, CFS
Catia Cividini-Motta, Ph.D., is the Practicum Coordinator in the Department of Child & Family Services within the College of Behavior & Community Services at the University of South Florida. She received her doctorate in Behavior Analysis from Western New England University and holds a Master’s degree in Applied Behavior Analysis from Northeastern University. Her research interests include verbal behavior; assessment and treatment of problem behavior; parent and staff training; skill acquisition, generalization, and maintenance; and teaching procedures. Click here for more on Catia Cividini-Motta.
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